true solar time


True solar time
astronomic time calculator

The current true solar time for location compared to local time:

latitude: 62.864965

longitude: 130.891121


Local time: 05:21:00

True solar time: 04:50:07

Solar / Astronomic Time calculation:

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 20:21:03

Local Time 05:21:00

Day of Year 40

Time Equation, value 14.503309722592

Time Equation, in seconds 870

Difference from Local Time, seconds 983

Total Difference, seconds 1853

True Time: 04:50:07

This is the calculation of true solar (astronomic) time for location (62.864965, 130.891121).


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The Local and Astronomic Time Divergence

The chart shows the divergence between local and astronomic time for the chosen place within a current year period. Maximum divergence of local and solar time this year is on the 12/02/2025 and is equal to 00 hour 30 min 59 sec (1859 seconds). Minimum divergence is on the 30/10/2025 and is equal to 23 hour 59 min 56 sec (-4 seconds).

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